Grant Guidelines

Grant Guidelines

The Foundation can act favorably on relatively few of the more than five hundred grant requests received each year. Many proposals must be declined even though they are appropriate to the Foundation's areas of interest and appear to be of merit.

Proposals are evaluated on the importance of the project and its relevance to the Foundation's areas of interest; the significance of the project's expected results and potential applicability to similar situations; and the sponsor's commitment to continue successful programs after the Foundation's support ceases. Grants are made only to tax-exempt institutions or agencies; no grants are made directly to individuals. The Foundation does not consider requests for general undesignated support or for construction or renovation projects.

Applications may be made at any time for support of activities consistent with the Foundation's guidelines. There are no special application forms. A preliminary letter of inquiry is often useful in helping the staff to determine whether submission of a full proposal is appropriate. As a matter of policy, the Foundation does not accept submission of applications via e-mail or the Internet. Such communication should be sent in hard copy, on pertinent letterhead stationery, and signed by the applicant.

Grant proposals should be addressed to the president and should include:

The name of the sponsoring agency or institution.
A description of the project.
The names and qualifications of the persons who will be responsible for the project.
The expected cost and duration of the project, including an itemized budget.
Documents substantiating the tax-exempt status of the sponsoring institution.
A letter of endorsement from the sponsoring institution.

After a review and evaluation, requests to the Foundation
that are not likely to be funded are promptly declined.

Proposals that the President of the Foundation recommends for grant support
are submitted to the Board of Directors for final consideration

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